I am a little late in posting his 4 month update. Partly because we have been busy and partly because I just can't believe how fast time is going. He had a great Doctors visit and besides the fact that he is allergic to baby lotion (which stinks because I have to use this special stuff and it does not smell like babies) he is doing great. He only cried for a second when they gave him his shots this time, so he is getting tougher as well as bigger. He still hasn't quite grown into his head however, but he was much happier this Doctors visit.

In case you can't read the fine print he weighed 12 lbs 11 oz, was 24 3/4 inches long and his head was 16 3/4 inches. The Doctor suggested we increase tummy time, which has not been hard to do as every time I lay him down he rolls to his tummy. He is pretty mobile, if we lay him on a blanket he has usually maneuvered himself off of it within a few minutes. He can sit up for a few seconds if he has his hands down to balance as well. The Doc also suggested we read at least 10-15 minutes a day. We have been trying to do this and he usually loves it. The same day he had his Dr's appt I sat in the rocking chair and read the 3 little pigs to him, the book just had paper pages and he was reaching for them and playing with the ends really loving it. I was about done with the book and went to turn to the last page and there was blood all over the page. He gave himself multiple paper-cuts, but didn't even care, no sign of pain or even a tear he just wanted to keep playing with the book. Felt like a bad mom that day. Needless to say we do not read paper books anymore.
He had his first mush on March 22..... exactly 4 months old. It was pretty messy, but amazing how well he picked up on using the spoon. He scarfs it now and when he see's that spoon he gets super excited and opens wide. We were totally expecting this to solve the sleeping through the night issues but still no luck in that department. Still love him though.
He also started holding his own bottle a couple weeks ago. Grandma was pretty sad about this as this is the only time he will sit still long enough to hold and cuddle.
This is how Foster sits in his bumbo. For some reason he pulls that right leg in and hunches over, even if there aren't any toys on the floor.
This was Foster's reaction to cousin Hazel's spit up. We were trying to get them to smile and Whitli caught this on the camera. Foster is a little grossed out but as you can see Hazel is all smiles under that yummy stuff.
Brennen will not like that I posted this one, but wanted to have it in the books, its not the first time its happened, but I have warned him time and time again to let Foster chill after he eats instead of standing him up and letting him move around. Needless to say the mush has made the throw-up a little more chunky. EEW!
Foster loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, if I can't get him calmed down when he has a tummy ache, this works every time. Don't worry I don't do it often, but as you can see his eyes are glued and he is very relaxed pants off and all.
Foster was fascinated by the lawn mower and watched his dad mow almost the whole time. I was actually able to get some laundry folded and put away. Which rarely happens when he is awake since his attention span is not much at this point, he usually needs a new toy every 30 seconds. But this day the Lawn mower did the trick. Thank heavens for the glass doors I have on the front and back doors.
Foster has really taken to Champ over the last few weeks as well, he loves to watch him fetch the Frisbee and gets a grin every time Champ brings it back to us. I tried to video it but got a little too much of my double chin so try to focus on Foster.
We went to St George last week and had a great time with the Family. Lots of fun and so glad the cousins could meet us there. I will make a post of just our trip next but here are a few shots of Foster. He loves being outside, wasn't so sure about the colder water though.
He sticks his hands in his mouth every chance he gets
Sitting up on his own
Dad thinks it so cool how he stands up too...
Blows lots of bubbles
Sticks his tongue out.... a lot
I am so grateful for this little guy and trying to enjoy him every second I get.