YEP, He is still un-proportional. Small Body, Big Head.
Weight: 17 lbs 14.5oz
Height: 27 1/2 inches
Head: 18 2/3 inches
Since my last post, Foster has......
Took 5-6 steps
Stands up with no help
Bear Crawls-----so FAST
Giggles, but still hasn't really full on laughed and I never get it on video;(
Loves to hold Champs leash and thinks it is really fun to play Frisbee with him
Loves to throw the ball still
Still loves to eat- except he is getting picky
Loves to be outside
Falls asleep in his swing watching our wedding video- gets him every time, we must be boring
Loves to chew on a cob of corn
or my toes- he just randomly comes up and bites them
Had his first camping trip- (yes we slept in a tent)
Loves to tell stories- which I still can't interpret
Loves to dance
Gives High Fives
Still enjoys his tub time
Gives kisses
Blows kisses
Waves Hello and Goodbye
Knows what the cow says--MOO
Loves anything with a Motor- Razor, cars, 4-wheelers, lawn mower. He really does get this excited everytime. This was from our camping trip. Lets just say we spent alot of time on the 4 wheeler or the razor to keep him out of the dirt.
And hauling corn with Dad did not disappoint, the kid has a built in motor. Just ask him what the tractor, truck or razor does and he will tell ya..... VRMMMMMMMMMM!
Getting his upper teeth- his lateral incisor has poked through!
Foster "eventually" loved Grandma Janice's redneck waterslide. I though it would be a great idea to have Brennen take him down for his first time. WRONG. Of course he went super fast and pretty much totally submerged Foster at the end. Hence Foster screaming.
I think you can tell how much Brennen was loving this and how much Foster was not loving it.
and yes his face is red because he is hysterical!
Good thing for Mama's, I took him next and while he was nervous I just went slow and held him up at the end... and He LOVED IT and couldn't get enough. We wish that the slide would have been up when Tucker and Presley were here because they would have loved it. Next year:)
Already a Utah State Fan
He has perfected his smile- at least he thinks anyways, He is pulling a Presley and scrunching up his nose, it's still pretty cute though.
Loved being at the Ballpark and watching Dad. That is Brennen through the fence. Not sure if he really knew it was Dad, but the pic turned out great.
Loves the Dirt and Rocks
Makes me Smile ---- A-LOT
Still frustrates me at night- just a little (he has slept two random nights til 7 am, but I was wide awake at 5 wondering what was going on)
Drinks great from a sippy cup
Still doesn't sit still for reading time but we will keep working on it.
Starting to get a few curly cues in his hair- YEAH
He pulls some of the funniest faces, everywhere I go we get comments about his big eyes and wierd looks. If only I knew what he was really thinking.
He is still growing up to fast!!