We took a 10 day trip to Cali (San Diego) and St. George at the end of September and first part of October. We had a lot of fun and just spent a lot of time at the beach. Our first days were spent traveling and then Brennen's friend Jesse got married in Vista, California at a horse farm. It was gorgeous weather and a beautiful place. We had a good time and it was nice for Brennen to see some of his long lost buddies.
From there we then headed to a hotel a block from the ocean in Solana Beach. It was a cute little beach town and we had a nice time being so close to the water. We took a trip to a few malls, the aquarium and the temple, went on a few runs, ate, slept and relaxed on the beach. We had a wonderful time and Foster loved the sand, the birds, and the washed up seaweed. He wasn't as much a fan of the cooler salt water and waves, but as long as it was just his feet getting dipped he liked it. He loved the wall of fishes at the Birch Aquarium. He was in constant awe. I wish I could bottle up some of his curiosity and save it for when he is a little bigger and it disappears.
Brennen posing for our morning run pic
Loved the Sand..............................................
Still undecided about the actual ocean water...................................................
My Baywatch Babe....................................................................
Whenever you ask Foster where someone or something is like the airplane or champ, if he doesn't see whatever he is looking for he holds his hand up like this as to say I don't know. Not sure where he picked up on this but it sure is cute.
These pictures aren't great but you can see the amazement in his face as he stares at the fish.
Foster's size relative to a whale.... After seeing this life-size sculpture of a whale, Brennen was now convinced that Jonah definitely could have survived inside the whale.
He has been sticking out his tongue and biting on it just like this a lot. Soon enough it will be bitten and the tears will come.
We then headed back to St George for the marathon/conference weekend tradition. We rigged the Ipad to the back of the seat with dental floss for Foster, and it worked wonders. I always knew being prepared with floss would come in handy at some point.
Cortni and Ted met us there on Wednesday night and it was constant fun until Sunday when sadness came because we had to go our separate ways. We hit up tons of parks, splash pads, the carousel, fiesta fun, and Staheli farms. The marathon was a little different this year a my mom had a broken (fractured fibula) and had to watch from the sidelines for the first time in 17 years. She was not too happy about it, but it could be worse we kept telling her. My Dad did it again just a week after running a measly 100 miles in the mountains, he is pretty much living proof that anything is possible with a little hard work and faith. He cruised and his time was 3 hr 15 min. Brennen also finished and after 2 cortisone shots, 180$ pair of shoes, and lots of ice and ibuprofen his IT band injury held up. We were all expecting a lot slower time since he did not train hardly at all, but he crushed it.. 3 hrs 13 minutes, and all I have to say is MEN suck, its just not fair. I would have to train and train and train and train and still couldn't run that fast.
My pics aren't great but I though I would share a little bit of the tradition of the last 17 years and the fun we have on marathon weekend.
The kids always play on these rocks up snow canyon
There are always a few helicopters flying around, this one came right down by us and waved. The kids were mesmerized.
There are always a few people that run the whole marathon with a flag. It's pretty amazing.
We always set up camp on the side of the road, we have seen everything from hot to cold to rain up there over the years. It was a bit nippy this year.
Bayli was in charge of pictures and she missed Brennen as he went by. She yelled and he turned around and posed.
Dad always stops and talks for a short second.
This fun contraption is there every year as well. Flying around up snow canyon.
Same with the band..... every year
I think this pic although is face is cut off shows his real feelings.
Now he saw us and is trying to hide his suffering with a thumbs up
Then every year we wait on the grass for them to come out of the runners section with popsicles and ice cream for everyone.
Brennen soaked in some cold water so he was freezing
While there is not metal around my mom's neck I believe she hit a milestone today. It was harder for her to be on the sidelines than actually run the marathon, so we are extremely proud of her for making the right choice and being a cheerleader this year.
Foster loved playing skee ball with dad at Fiesta Fun
They both got a hold of one of Hazels socks and were chomping.
Foster has never seen a golf club or held one for that matter, we took him outside and the club was out with some balls, he picked it right up and started hitting the ball. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come as I would really like him to be a golfer and make millions.
He loved the slide
When Tucker wasn't happy we all knew, we saw this face a few times, it kinda breaks your heart, he knows how to get his way.

Grandpa and Hazel pulling twinner faces.
Whitli once again refusing a photo, beautiful hand though
Tayli modeled for us across the rocks
These two still aren't sure about each other. Hopefully they will grow up having lots of fun together
Tucker thought his stomach would be a great way to go to down the slide......
It started out fun but ended up with a lot of crown in un-wanted places
Where did the cows go?
Presley was also always trying to cheer Foster up and was so good to him, wish she lived a little closer
We had a good time with the whole crew, we missed Chanse and Tristan and of course Grandpa but we still made lots of fun memories.