Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Foster's 1st Hallow's Eve!!!

Did you know Halloween used to be referred to as All Hallow's Eve, and it didn't start with trick or treating. Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped and the deceased would come back to life and cause havoc such as sickness or damaged crops.
The festival would frequently involve bonfires. It is believed that the fires attracted insects to the area which attracted bats to the area. Masks and costumes were worn in an attempt to mimic the evil spirits or appease them. And somehow it is know a night for costumes and treats. It's FUN though. I am not much of a dresser upper but I love to see what everyone else comes  up with. I am also a cheapskate so I went where I always go for a costume, my mom's costume boxes. The box once again did not disappoint,  we found a dinosaur costume, tried it on Foster and it fit so a dinosaur it was. A pretty cute one I might add, just difficult to get him to pose for a pic.

 Not so sure about the tail.........

Other notes on the recent weeks. Foster is 11 months now so that count down begins. I can't believe he is almost one. He did get his first ear infection and it was no fun. He was miserable, which was hard, but kind of nice because he just wanted to cuddle with mom. He also has got his left central incisor so no more funny snaggle tooth, he is also close to getting the right side in as well. He is no longer a baby, but a little boy, a toddler in fact. He is full of personality and very moody. His favorite toy is still his ball. He loves zucchini, squash, and jam sandwiches. He loves the hot dog dance on mickey mouse clubhouse and anytime he hears music of any kind (even sacrament hymns) he starts to bounce and dance. Whitli is working at Nordstrom rack and for the jazz now so she lives in salt lake, so we don't see her as much, but she sent us this cute dress shirt and Foster definitely rocked it. Thanks Whit.

 I incluced this pic, because if you look closely you can see his snaggle teeth on the side.