Apologies for the length and amount of photos just didn't want to leave anything out.
Well another 3 months has come and gone
Of course we spent them having fun.
Ted and Cortni and the kids moved home
Its been so nice for Foster to have some cousins come
School started and Bayli started to Cheer
She is very talented and is filling the shoes with no fear
Once again it is a season for races
my parents are amazing, you can see it in there faces
Lotoja was first, 203 miles from Logan to Jackson, on a tandem bike
We drove along as there support crew and even stopped for a little hike
Intermittent Falls was beautiful and we are so glad we stopped
The snake river and trees were gorgeous and don't worry we ate a lot
They pedaled and pedaled, and only got one flat
Together they worked so hard, they are truly amazing at that
After 11 and a half hours they crossed the finish line
Once again finishing leaving nothing behind
As the temperature's cooled down it was time for homecoming
It was fun to see Bayli doing her thing.
She is a very talented person and it was so much fun to see
Her beautiful smile at the parade, the game and even the pep assembly
Then the big night came, her first official dance
She went with Jaden Wood, we heard he tried real hard to romance
She looked gorgeous in her dress and the kids would tell you so,
They were all in awe of her as we took pics before she had to go
Then we had a weekend where we celebrated fall
Razor rides, dance parties, and good food, we were not disappointed at all
It is so much fun for Foster to have his cousins here to hang out with
Even if him and Hazel get in a few little tiffs
Presley loves him dearly and Tucker teaches him how to be a boy
His soccer ball and gun are now his new favorite toy
Then it was the Bear 100 race for my dad
why he does anything like this is completely mad
He suffered from sickness, heat stroke and then pouring rain
As we paced along with him it was hard to see him in pain
We tried to get the old man to quit
But he would barely stop to sit
He just kept moving and had great pacers
He finished as one of the best racers.
We are glad its over for at least another year
he is getting to old to go that far and leave us all in fear
However we are proud of him and all that he does do
He is a prime example of how hard work gets you through
Then a week later we headed to St George for the marathon
Whitli, Mom, Dad and Brennen were ready to run
They all did great and finished the race
Brennen even made his goal and kept his awesome pace
A time of 3 hr and 4 minutes was enough to qualify
for the big race in Boston when spring flies
Whitli didn't even break a sweat
and here time of 3 hr 22 minutes wouldn't agree with that
Mom and dad stuck together once again
and finished at 3 hrs 40 minutes a pace that made us grin.
They aren't getting younger just older by the day
but they battle through there aches and pains and show us the way
They truly are amazing and are leaving a legacy
You don't come by Parents as wonderful as them too often you see
Foster and I were the only cheerleaders this year, and it was really odd
Especially not having Grandma Beth in our little cheer squad
We had some fun while we were there
We swam and shopped and hiked and enjoyed the sunny air
We enjoyed our conference/marathon weekend in St. George once again
It was nice to relax and listen to conference we definitely did gain
As fall is here for sure now, the pumpkins are out
We are trying to enjoy our family cuz that is what its all about
Soon enough we will go from a family of 3 to 4, in 7 weeks in fact
We hope this little girl will feel welcome in our home and Foster won't attack
He is so much fun right now and talking so much better
He is getting smarter and smarter and a real go getter
He loves to play pass with any type of ball or go for a bike ride
and is often found swinging or going down the slide
We finally broke down and cut his luscious locks
he still looks mighty handsome and his new style rocks.
As the holidays approach us we hope you will all remember
To enjoy life, give thanks, and treat everyone with kindness this October and November.
Oh the joys of throwing rocks
High five and knuckles
My five most favorite people. I had to post both of these, Foster is pulling his cheese face. When we say to him say cheese he really gets into his pronunciation and says cheese.
You should know to never photo bomb Bay!
Oh man we had a hard time getting a good pic, Grandpa was trying to get the kids to look and smile by playing if your happy and you know it, and instead of smiling and holding still, Foster was just copying everything he did.
Foster was so not going for these pics
These two love if your happy and you know it.
Cousins are the best
Creepy owl that landed on a tree right by us while we were up at Tony Grove Lake waiting for Grandpa!
4:45 am just leaving to catch the bus to the start line for the Marathon.
Disclaimer: Because I was the only cheerleader and was trying to keep track of a 2 yr old my pics of the runners kind of took a turn for the worse this year so no judgments
See what I mean.......
This shows you how easy the marathon was for Whitli, after 26 miles she was smiling from ear to ear, most people were struggling to keep moving, she was waving to Foster, hence the over enthusiasim
I finally gave Foster my phone and he was taking pics like me!
Foster modeled for us in his jammies
Before his haircut
I only included this picture to show the bite mark on Fosters cheek, Hazel got the best of him and I am sure he deserved it. You can see all 16 of her teeth in a perfect circle on his cheek.
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Love this little man. PS we had to sport the Aggie shirt since they beat BYU!!! |