Collins is 8 months old. she is crawling round, eating more food and pooping a little better. Loves music, and watching Foster dance, and his very vocal.
Foster is two and a half, and has totally regressed on the potty training. He surprises me daily. He says "Oh my" when something doesn't go exactly how he wants and "Oh Yeah, oh yeah" when he is doing something he really thinks is cool. With summer we have had a few late nights and he has been sleeping in. Last sunday he slept til 10:45. He definitely gets that from his dad.
Foster has several times been awake but asleep and walked around the house laid down and fell back asleep. This morning he walked right by me and went in the living room and crashed.
We hit up the Logan pool on the Fourth of July. Collins and Foster both had a blast.

Not sure where he learned to plug his nose but he did it.

Then we hit the blue sox game that evening before we lit some fireworks that we spent 50$ on and they lasted two seconds. For some reason everyone wanted to be near Brennen.

I took about 32 pictures of them together and this is the only one that turned out- kind of.

You have to look close to see what is happening here. Yes my dog has his paw in Brennen's crotch area but don't look at that:) The cute part is Collins was grabbing his hand, and Champ just let her, he is such a good dog.

I was getting Foster to bed one night and Collins just wasn't settling down. I left Brennen in charge and this is what I came in to. Who know who fell asleep first. But Collins is hanging by a thread off the couch.

We have had lots of fun with cousins this summer. One afternoon while I was helping Tucker and Presley do puzzles, Foster and Hazel went outside. I opened the blinds to make sure I could keep a close eye on them, and we found them shooting birds. The three of us giggled inside as we watched them play make believe together, but when they saw us, we ended up being the targets.

We have been so lucky to have had Chance and Treysen around more this summer. We went for a Razor ride over to Bear Lake one saturday and had a great time. Foster sure loves them both.

Collins loves the Razor, she sits in her carseat in-between my legs. She slept almost the whole time but woke up for a biy and was all smiles.

For the 31st year we headed to St. George for our annual Godderidge family trip. It was only us and Dennis' family but we had a great time, and this year it wasn't even too hot. Sand Hallow even had some good water one of the days (which never happens).
It had been two years since Chanse had wakeboarded, and he just went out there like it was no thing. Jumping, flipping and twisting across the lake. It was nice to have him with us, we were only missing Ted.
Brennen didn't disappoint either I just didn't get pics because I was driving.
Foster once again loved the knee board but his dad didn't last long dragging behind.
Cortni shredding it on the ski's.
Grandpa even busted out a run on the ski. Which never happens.
Then we got the tube out. Foster was in heaven or at least he appeared to be, he is just grinning from ear to ear. I love the pics of him and Tucker- oh to be young again.
Brennen tried to get Bayli and Tucker knocked off but this tube is pretty much impossible to flip.
Collins was pretty curious with the sand as well.
These two could not be stopped. I hope they always can have fun together. They swam and swam and jumped and jumped.
My little fishy.
We almost had it, Tuc was just a little early and Hazel and little late. But check out the stellar toe touch by Presley.
Collins was a great vacationer, I was worried but she did well.
We went to the new fiesta fun and Foster and Hazel attempted to ride the go carts.
We rented a house and Foster had a great time being so near all his dousing

And of course we hit up the carousel. Foster loved it, Collins not so sure, and I got sick just watching.

Photo shoot.

We have spent the last two thursdays at Hyrum Dam trying to soak up some sun and it was fun.

Don't worry there were multiple of these shots, and I still have them for blackmail.

Collins fell asleep in the swing watching her cousins go up and down the slide and grandmas.

We tried to spell something with sparklers, epic fail.

The tour of utah went by the cabin this year so we all went up there and cheered them on in the pouring rain.

Brennen organized a night away and it was a blast. It was my 4th time seeing Kenny Chesney but it has been a few years. He still looked good and sounded great.