Not sure whether to rejoice or be sad but Foster is on the move!! His first time rolling over was 3 weeks ago but I was the only one to witness it so nobody believed me!! But I finally got it on camera and then he started showing off and if we put him on his tummy he rolls:) Hasn't quite mastered the roll from back to stomach but he is close.
Its been three straight months of interrupted sleep, but those 3 am smiles are worth it. Foster is growing like a weed and I want it to stop. He is at such a cute age (for the most part). We all see a little bit of Tucker in him now so maybe he has a little Godderidge in him after all. He has discovered his hands and would suck on them all day if I would let him, it drives me nuts... I do not want a thumb sucker. He loves to kick his legs and is starting to use his hands to reach for things. He loves to blow bubbles and stick out his tongue. His hair is starting to grow and he is definitely his dads kid- he has a pretty good cowlick in the same spot Brennen does. His eyes are still pretty blue and were still not sure what color his hair is. He loves the TV- only if its sports or something that moves quickly, and he still loves to eat- as you can tell. Love him more everyday.

He would smile and I would snap a couple pictures and inbetween each smile on the camera there was a face like this in reaction to the flash!!
Then he would smile again
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