new toys he was spoiled with. It seems like just yesterday I was laying in that hospital bed all day long waiting and waiting and pushing and pushing to get this little guy here. Just a few blinks and he is a toddler already, my baby is a little boy. Sad.......... but so much fun at the same time. He is all over the place, running, jumping (well trying to his feet don't actually leave the ground but he thinks they do), dancing, shooting hoops, throwing the ball, hitting the ball and he even pitches to us (he has a pretty mean fast ball). I don't know that he has a favorite food he eats just about anything, but he sure does love it when grandpa or grandma sneak him some candy. I swore I would never be one of those moms, but yep I am, I want him to like his fruits and veggies so seeing him eat a big old piece of licorice makes me cringe. Plus he does have 8 teeth now and seeing him eat it makes me have nightmares of little sugar bugs eating his teeth away:) But I let them do it anyways! He is very daring and while he has mastered the stairs without taking a tumble down them but he has fallen off the treadmill (don't worry I wasn't making him exercise he was just climbing), anyway he hit his mouth and bled all over. He didn't seem to be bothered as much as his mother was by it. He still gets to spend time with both Grandma's each week. He loves to go up and down the stairs over and over and over again. Still loves his Mama when he is sad and would much rather play with his dad. His favorite book is Panda Bear, Panda Bear what do you see? He has become much fonder of books and will actually sit on your lap for most of the book! He was petrified of the balloons I got for his birthday until he realized how much fun they could be and now two weeks later we still have one roaming around that he loves to bounce and throw. His eyes have finally changed to mostly green like his Dads and he still has a huge head and small feet. We are working on switching over to whole milk but he still gets a little cough and rash on his face. Dr thinks it is just a contact allergy he will grow out of, but I am still skeptical of an allergy. My favorite time of day with him is right when he wakes up, if I don't have work we lay in bed and he actually will snuggle for a few minutes. He is not much for words, but is really good at shaking his head no. When you ask him who number one is he holds up his finger just like in the picture above. He is finally sleeping pretty good and if we are home he sleeps til at least 8:30 or 9. He is still has public phobia and is ornery every time we are around people he doesn't know. His hair needs cut - bad- but I can't bring myself to do it.

He pulled this face the whole time we were singing to him, he was mesmerized, by our talent I guess
As much as he loves food I though he would just dig in, but he was hesitant, he wasn't sure about the frosting, and as you can see from the picture he was looking at me with this "are you sure this is ok?" look. So I helped him out and shoved some in and the rest was history.
and then he decided he liked the balloons
and Thanks to Uncle Brandt he is sporting a new 49ers Jersey with his own name on it
This picture stinks and is not focused but you can see what you need to see. He got this cute musical table from my parents and he was on top of it it no time. Using his hands to push the buttons just wasn't good enough, he wanted to use his feet.
We did a quick photo shoot a couple weeks ago with the Reese family because Chance and Treysen were in town, and for just using a timer and my camera they turned out okay.
We also had a great Thanksgiving last week, we got to eat a Turkey meal twice and they were both delicious. We have so much to be thankful for especially the wonderful families we get to be part of. We had every one there at the Godderidge Turkey Dinner except for TJ and Micall so there was about 70 of us, 4 turkeys, 1 Ham and a bunch of everything else.
We tried to snap a photo of everyone and it turned out pretty good except you can't see a few people, if Brennen would have let me be in charge I would have fixed that but you know men. So sorry April and Dennis.
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