Foster turned two, and yes it is terrible, my little boy is growing up. But even more terrible is the fact that he really has his terrible moments......................... (keyword-moments)
Like when he won't share his toys, he is constantly saying "Mine"
Like when he is a Bully to his cousins, it never goes unsaid from one of them, "Foster hit me, Foster pushed me" He is learning but geez he is a bully sometimes.
Like when he totally knows he needs to poop and leaves the room to hide instead of going in the toilet.
Like when he screams NO at the top of his lungs
But thank goodness those terrible moments are few and far between when compared to all the wonderful moments
He is talking sooo much better and man does it just melt me when he says, "Love you Mama", He is also really good at saying Thank You when he is given something. Also very good at saying "Done" in the middle of sacrament when a talk, prayer or song ends, he totally thinks it is time to go home and will look at us and say "Done?"
He has made me proud twice by pooping in the potty, but not without major bribery, the kids just doesn't care if he has to sit in his poop.
He has also picked up on singing, and will pretend to sing the hymns at sacrament. He has picked up on the ABC's from a chair my mom gave him that sings them and with all the November birthdays he has got the birthday song down pact and sings it constantly. He even sang it to himself!
He is so forgiving and loves to show people he loves them (well the people he knows anyways). He gives the best hugs, wraps his arms around ya and pats your back with one of his arms. Love it! Also gives plenty of kisses. One morning he woke up and I was awake but pretended to be asleep to see if he would go back to sleep. He went into the living room and kitchen and walked around for a minute, then he climbed up on the bed and laid down next to me, hugged me and fell asleep.
He gets so excited to go to grandpa's house, the barn, or when his cousins come over, I wish I could bottle up his excitement.
He rolls his eyes, yep Whitli taught him well. He will look at you in the corner of his eye and then roll them. It's pretty funny.
He has started showing more interest in stuffed animal and figurines, also he loves to play guns. Still loves to play catch and "shoop" which means shoot hoops. My mom got him a buddy ball for his birthday which is a ball that unzips and turns in to a stuffed bear, I wish we would have been filming the first time we unzipped it to show him what was inside the ball, he jumped like there was a spider coming out of it, it was so funny- had to be there I guess.
He is starting to spend more time doing things, he doesn't get sick of things so easily. He has really enjoyed
playing with play dough
Loves to eat, still, but mostly just wants treats.
Other side notes....................................................
We took the sides of his crib and turned it into a toddler bed. Needless to say he has fallen off ALOT! He is a wild sleeper and just cant quite figure out how to stay on, don't worry we cushion his fall with pillows and half the time he stays asleep. He still takes pretty good naps for me at home as well.
Who needs a stuffed animal when you have a basketball.

Tara had a party for him at daycare with cupcakes, So sweet of her and he loved it.

Hazel can out climb him anyday, anywhere, as evident from the pic, I blame his short legs and big head throwing him off.
He was thrilled to be the center of attention (just like his dad), he was so cute and couldnt even wait til the birthday song was over before he blew out his candles.
I didn't do to bad on the cake either, just bought a big sheet cake and then made a motorcyle track (in the shape of a 2) and added a start and finish line.
Two year check up- first visit that he did not cry, even was super brave for his flu shot. Proud mommy moment. Still hasn't quite grown into his brains.
Our handsome little man, doesn't love photo shoots but at least a couple of them turned out. Especially since his amateur mother is the photographer.
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