Foster was obviously pretty thrilled!!
Well we tried and we tried twice, we got a few, and by a few I mean seriously only a few turned out compared to the hundreds that were taken and deleted. So here goes...............

We attempted to get family pics when Chance and Treysen were here, Bayli took them and I attempted to edit them.

So two birthdays about a week apart a month before Christmas isn't the best. But we did our best to make each of there birthdays special.
3 years
loves to run jump play fight dance
eats okay but has become much pickier
his cousins are his best friends
loves to have books read to him
still sleeps in :) a few mornings it was almost 11 am before he woke!!!
likes Lego's

He has been into sunglasses lately, it was pitch black outside but he wanted to wear them in the car.

She sneezed several times and we caught it in action.
She loves to sit in the cubby in the entertainment center.
Just don't look at me in this pic cuz everybody else looks good!!
Well we tried and we tried twice, we got a few, and by a few I mean seriously only a few turned out compared to the hundreds that were taken and deleted. So here goes...............

We attempted to get family pics when Chance and Treysen were here, Bayli took them and I attempted to edit them.
3 years
loves to run jump play fight dance
eats okay but has become much pickier
his cousins are his best friends
loves to have books read to him
still sleeps in :) a few mornings it was almost 11 am before he woke!!!
likes Lego's

He has been into sunglasses lately, it was pitch black outside but he wanted to wear them in the car.
He loves to to puzzles.
He loves Paw Patrol, Alvin and the chipmunks, and to my extreme disliking power rangers. I had to delete Netflix off my phone because he would steal and hide and try to watch it.
still short with a big head
loves to eat-nothing real healthy- we have to mix veggies with fruit
loves treats
knows who to ask to get them
points at what she wants
says more
says dad
started to walk, like really walk at 11 mths
likes to dance
finally doubled her birth weight
likes to dance
finally doubled her birth weight
She wasn't so sure about the cake
She did love it when everyone was singing to her
She would only dip a finger in it
So I decided to cut her her own piece, and at that point there was not turning back, she picked the whole thing up and shoved it in.
She loves to sit in the cubby in the entertainment center.
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