He got his first real big goose-ache, he fell and hit the hinge on the back door. He loves to go outside and was in way to much of a hurry.
Church has been rough this year as we go at 11, it is right during his nap time and lunch and he just doesn't understand the whole whisper concept yet. He did fall asleep on the floor one Sunday during sacrament, see pic below.
We took Foster to Arena Cross Racing, He loved the motorcycles not so much all the boring stuff in between, it was loud, probably damaged his eardrums (bad mom award), but minus the fireworks he was a happy camper.
Still not much of a talker, he says no a lot, yes a little bit, copies some things. He loves animals, still afraid of people in general. He is getting much pickier about what he eats. He has had too much sugar from grandmas and grandpas that that is all he wants. We are trying to keep him eating healthy. He is growing up way to fast and the last couple weeks I have been living in fear of the future, what will this little guy bring our way, will he make good choices, oh man the world is so scary it scares me to death. I hope with all my heart I can teach him how to live and be happy.
Brennen has enjoyed snowmobiling lately as we had a late winter. Good thing his dad has two sleds.

It has been cheer week and Bayli decided to tryout. I think her three sisters were more stressed than she was. She was awesome and worked hard. Then went in front of the whole student body and rocked that as well. I text-ed her the morning of the installation assembly and asked her if she was nervous, ya know there could be a lot of pressure as its kind of a Godderidge tradition. And she replied, "no I know whatever is suppose to happen will happen." She is so much less drama, just go with the flow (most of the time). So glad we have her around. She is one of a kind. We are excited to be able to go see her cheer on Sky View.
We went to St. George for Spring Break. Everyone was there but Whitli- we missed her ALOT, but still had a good time. We just hung out and ate most of the time. It was fun.
Foster loved the little baseball game we had on the lawn, and was so excited when the kids hit it.
Presley was a little angel this trip, no melt downs, just pure happiness. She was so good to Foster too.
We had a little visit from the Easter Bunny, he hid some eggs in the back yard. Foster could have cared less he just wanted to hit the ball.
This picture cracks me up, he just looks like a little old man with his gut and face he is pulling
and I am finally wrapping this post up after starting it over two weeks ago today as Foster and I sit home with diarrhea and the vomits while Brennen is gone all weekend for a work conference. Lucky him, I have already changed 10 poopy diapers and its only 3. We have enjoyed snuggling most of the day however. Only good part about being sick. Happy Spring.
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