THE GOOD..............
We blessed Collins on January 4th. It was a wonderful day. Of course we had lots of family there to support us. Of course there was lots of good food, Of course I cried, Of course she spit up on her dress the second I put it on, Of course Brennen did a wonderful job, and of course Foster was upset he couldn't go up to stand in the circle and tried to escape twice during it.
We tried to get a few good pics, she is beautiful, and thanks to my mom she had a beautiful dress.
They were not cooperating... well at least Foster was not cooperating, but cousins are the best.
My mom and dad really struggle with posing for pictures, mostly cuz my dad is a dweeb but if one looked good the other was doing something silly, see below for proof.
Collins already holding her bottle. Just Kidding, she just likes to put her hands up there.
We got to see Chance and Treysen for a weekend thanks to Stokes Law. We had fun bowling and at the Jump zone with them. Foster was pretty stoked to Bowl

Foster is getting really good at putting his puzzles together.
Collins finally survived tummy time, and Foster grabbed his pillow to join her.

THE BAD..................
Foster found some old lipstick in the bathroom drawer, he knew just what to do with it. However he didn't realize that it was colored. He was used to the glossy stuff from his cousins that you can't see. So when I showed him in the mirror what he had done, it was pretty hilarious. He was SHOCKED.
The Sky View Bobcats had a throwback night for one of the games. The cheerleaders wore old uniforms. I didn't think my uniform from 12 years ago would classify as a throwback, but sure enough I show up to watch her dance and she is wearing the uniforms that I as a senior designed (yeah they were that bad, I have no fashion sense). Needless to say, I felt old, I though throwback meant the 80's but I guess it now means the 2000's.
Collins and Foster both got colds right after the Holidays. Needless to say it was rough. Plus poor Collins has pooping issues and can't do it on her own for some strange reason and she is extremely gassy. You know when you get done feeding and it is suppose to cheer the baby up. Nope not Collins, she is uncomfortable for hours.

THE UGLY........................
Foster got burned by a treadmill, literally burned. Of course the first time I try to exercise with two kids it happens. I had given him a lecture and he did so good for the first 15 minutes of staying away from the treadmill. Then he got bored and threw the baseball onto the moving treadmill, of course if flew off the bottom, thank goodness mom stayed on her feet. It ended up on the ground at the back of the treadmill, of course he runs around, trips, falls, and lands with his shouder getting thrashed by the moving tread. It was painful and needless to say the poor kid asked to take a nap for the first time EVER.

Well ya know that cold that Collins had, it lasted 3 weeks and then she started to get worse. I had taken her in on Saturday Jan 2 because her cold wasn't getting better and I noticed that on top of all her other issues she now had thrush in her mouth. So the on call Dr gave us an anti-fungal and then because she hadn't spiked a fever just told us to watch her cold, he wasn't to worried. Then of course a week later the thrush came back after being gone a couple days and she started to hack and cough and hack and cough. I was worried, she still had never got a fever, but I was constantly checking it. So Monday morning I had had enough of the coughing and wanted answers. I had to go back to work so Brennen took her in and read the Dr the long list of issues that I sent him with. He was going to totally blow of the cough again until she had a coughing attack in the office, then he totally changed his thinking. She was sent right over to the Hospital for a chest X-ray to check for pneumonia and they took a nasal swap to check for whooping cough (which was negative). The Chest X-ray came back positive for the beginning stages of pneumonia. Yes, the UGLY. Nebulizer every 4 hours, Antibiotic, anti fungal, and Mirilax. The week was long but I am so grateful we avoided the hospital and that she is much better. She is much more alert and the coughing and snot are gone. Wahoo! Still has her tummy and poop issues but I can handle that.

Thank goodness the good outweighs the ugly, and plus Collins has started to smile at us, of course catching a photo is difficult though.
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