Saturday, March 14, 2015

The fun never ends

Well Collins is three months and we are all still here.
She has not been the happiest baby.
Uncomfortable a lot of the time, we have tried and tried many remedies to help with her pooping, gas and reflux issues. The Doc put her on acid med once a day because she wasn't gaining weight and that has stopped the projectile vomiting, still spits up but no more coming out the nose. She still strains and strains to poop or fart and has a hard time getting it out sometimes but it is runny now so thats a plus.  She is a great sleeper, if she is comfortable, only wakes up to cough or try to fart. She still doesn't do great on her tummy or lying flat on her back but occasionally she will do it for a while. She  likes to be where the action is, she likes to watch her cousins and foster run around. Still loves her Binky and loves to have her face covered with a blanket (have to watch her close).  The poor thing just can't catch a break, she has been coughing pretty much her whole life, due to sickness or reflux I don't know, the docs just seems to blow it off when I ask because she doesn't fever. 
She is finally growing out of some of her clothes.
I love to watch her sleep.
She is getting better and has her good times too, more smiling occurs and Brennen claims he can get her to laugh when he tickles her with his beard. (at least someone likes it)

Foster had a few nights where he had diarrhea that would wake him up. One night he came in and hid behind her crib for like 10 minutes, I tried to talk him into coming and laying by me but he would never respond. Then he starting randomly singing and next thing I knew he was asleep on the floor. Then the room started to stink. He was hiding to take care of his business and didn't want to come up to my bed because he did not want me to change his rashy bum.

Brennen left town for a few days- again- to go on a golf trip with some friends. I had some good quality time with the kids. Foster and I went to get burgers and he fell asleep eating it. Too cute not to snap a pic of it.

Of course they both slept horribly while Brennen was gone, not that it makes a difference if he is there because he usually sleeps through it anyways. However Foster is all over the place when he sleeps and pretty soon I was lying on the bottom of the bed just to have a little room.

Whitli hooked us up with last minute tickets to the Jazz game so we ditched Collins and took Foster. He had a good time and was super impressed with the big TV and the Jazz bear and his mini.

Happy Valentines

Foster and hazel got busy with there bag of candy from Grandma, we were all chatting and didn't see what they were doing until the had scarfed up the whole bag.


Bumbo time- since she doesn't love her tummy we try to do this so she can continue to develop head and neck strength.

We hitched a ride with Grandma to the Girls state ball tourney to watch Bayli cheer. I sat in between the two carseats and it was tight. Foster and I practiced taking selfies.

Yep they are both glued to the TV- bad parenting moment but Dad was gone on a scout campout
Caught some of her cheesy grins

We took a friday and went to grandpas office to clean teeth. Tucker and Presley and Hazel went first and I did not think Foster would sit through it because he screams every night when I brush them at home. But to my dismay he laid there so good and let me polish count and floss, so that was a relief.

My three kids.......

Morning happiness............

Foster was reading to Hazel while I was feeding the baby. The video is much better.

Foster has been really pretty good with the baby, and occasionally he will copy whatever I am doing with his baby.

Kisses for sister

Due to the very rare warm winter- or lack of winter I should say. Foster has spent alot of time outside. His tramp is up and he loves it. He can do a little front flip/ somersault. He is still working on the potty training thing (he has went once). We were out in grandpas barn just today pumping up a basketball and my dad said uh oh foster has grease on his hands so don't let him touch anything. Brennen grabbed his arms to go wash them = it was not grease = it was poop. He had stuck his hands down his pants and grabbed a handful. YUM. He surprises me everyday with everything he is learning. He already tells me "in a minute" when I ask him to do something for me. He is still the first to let me know that the baby is crying. Loves to copy anything we or someone older does- so yes we must be on our best behavior.
Fell asleep in our newly carpeted basement watching his new favorite movie- ninja turtles.

Caught him in the baby's sleeper one day, just hanging out.

I have been horrible at taking pictures of Collins as she grows so I am going to rededicate myself. I had already done like ten photo shoots with Foster when he was 3 mths. So I better get in gear or hire someone to do it I guess. 

While these three months have been rough I am so grateful for her, she is a beauty and I wouldn't change anything. I am so lucky to have so many family members to be willing to watch her so I can get a break and go to work. She is not easy and I really appreciate our families helping us  out. 

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