Sunday, April 26, 2015

Our last month in photo's

Collins is 4 months well technically 5 days away from being 5 mths. She is finally growing and gaining some weight, still mostly head however. She continues to make me struggle. She still has a chronic cough from her acid issues and it wakes her up at night so we are getting less sleep than we used to. I tried massage therapy and that helped but the lady wanted to see her everyday and I couldn't make it work with working 3 days and getting her there. We continue to try different tricks and are making progress. Dr Bell put her on an additional medicine and it has helped but we still have some episodes. We have started rice cereal a little bit at night, she likes it but doesn't like it all at the same time so you can imagine our mess. She is ticklish under her neck and sometimes we can get a giggle out of her when we tickle her. She still doesn't love her tummy or her back really but will roll right over from her tummy. 

Brennen got some binoculars for his birthday, may I add 30th birthday in march. Grandma got Foster some too and to my surprise he loves them, he wants to be just like his dad and he mimics him very regularly. He loves to use his binoculars to find the birds and then shoot at them with his play guns.

Collins is in love with her hands and I can't keep them out of her mouth. She even gets little red sores on her knuckles of those two fingers and has already gagged herself a few times stickin them in too far. To her defense I can already see some little teeth trying to inch there was in so hopefully this is just a stage.
Collins' likes to see herself in the mirror or on the camera phone (yes she takes after her dad) I can open up the camera on my phone and she will just stare at herself.
Foster shooting the birds in the bathroom while sister is tubbing.

Mornings are usually Collins' best time I we can usually catch her giggling or smiling at her brother.
3 of the cutest Ninja turtles around. Foster asks everyday if he can play with Presley and Hazel. They are not allowed to move away ever again.
Bayli had Junior prom this last month. She looked stunning and of course it was a challenge to get a good photo. I even contributed to the hairstyle with me mad braiding skills.

Foster loves to be near his sister and lots of times after returning from a quick run to the bathroom or something I return to find him lying next to her or right in her face talkin to her. One time he decided to turn her into his favorite ninja turtle Mikey. The funny thing was she was totally fine with it.
She is starting to look a little chunky.

Bayli decided to take 10 selfies on my phone. I only included two here but you can get the jist of just about how they all looked.

We had our first major snow storm last week ( yes April) it snowed about 6-8 inches. It was wonderful because it stuck to the lawn and not the roads and then melted about two days later.

We finally took Foster to the SV swimming pool. To say he loved it was an understatement. He asks to go swimming all the time. Collins and I had fun watching from the sidelines.

Finally made it out to see Bayli golf. It was on my lunch hour so I only was there for about an hour and only saw 2 and a half holes (girls are slow golfers). It was fun to see her and yes she made this put and even parred the hole.
Foster is a sneaky little bugger and goes outside without me knowing it sometimes. This day I looked out to find him just chilling in the stroller eating his pop tart. Which for some reason he is in love with I have to hide the box in the pantry or he would eat them all day.

She is sure beautiful

I was doing the dishes and looked over to find foster "pumping" I asked him what he was doing and he replied "pumping mom" he thought he was pretty funny
Foster walked all the way out of church behind his dad with his hands in his pockets because that is how dad was walking. I tried to grab his hand in the parking lot for safety reasons and he had a meltdown because he wanted his hands in his pockets.
Tummy time...... for less than a minute of course
We decided to go stay over in Salt Lake over spring break one night since we didn't make it to St George this year. I was so excited to let Foster swim and so was he, we got all dressed and headed down there only to find out it was closed for renovation. Lovely.
Easter Egg fun. Foster really enjoyed finding the eggs this year.
Foster would sure be a lot happier if Presley was with him all the time. He loves that girl and she has been such a good sport to play and help take care of him
Foster loves the deer and elk and anything that his dad thinks is cool of course.

Still not potty trained but we have managed to poop a few times in the potty and to poop a few times in his turtle underwear. I guess he is just not quite ready. But he sure loves the ninja turtles.
Bayli was successful in getting elected to Cheer again this year even though her sisters didn't have many good ideas for her this year. But I thought her poster turned out pretty well this year. We have also had the opportunity to watch her dance- and she is still really good at it.

I am sitting here listening to Collins snore and barely keeping my eyes open because I am exhausted, but wouldn't have it any other way. These two bring me so much joy and are helping me to become a better person. 

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