Well another Lotoja rolled around a few weeks ago and of course we were along for the ride. We aren't the best support crew (as we missed them at the first stop) but we are the cutest one. Foster and Collins did great on the long ride and had fun with there cow bells and cheering for all the bikes. Mom and Dad did great and finished in under 12 hours. Riding on your butt for that long is bad enough but my dad did it with a broken seat for the last 50 miles.
We brought the scooter along and Foster rode it around at almost every stop.
The scenery is beautiful, look at that backdrop.
We took a stop at the snake river and threw rocks, ate dirt (Collins) and watch the rafts float by.
The football season has begun and we have enjoyed watching Bayli cheer the undefeated Bobcats on. She is a very talented cheerer (if thats a word). My picture taking skills suck I really need to take a class, not much focus so don't judge.
We spend a lot of time on the side grass letting the kids run around and get energy out. Tried to get a picture and of course none of them turned out, and of course Collins has here mouth open.
The homecoming parade was chilly again but Foster enjoyed it a little more this year.
Bayli even threw us some candy.

Collins turned 9 months and had her Doctors visit, she is growing and very active, crawling, pulling herself up to things and standing, (hence the nice owie on her forehead, which has pretty much became permanent due to her falling so much), has 5 teeth, cute little curls, babbles, likes to eat fruit but not veggies, still struggles pooping (Miralax for life), her smile always includes a wide open mouth. sleeping a little better, still has a huge head and struggles in height and weight which will most likely be the story of her life, loves her mama the most but dad isn't too far behind.
Bayli looked pretty for her last homecoming of her life.
Once again we went along with Grandpa's craziness and tried to support and pace him for the Bear 100 (which is 100 mile trail race- lots of mountains are climbed). Foster ran with him for a minute and I caught this cute pic of him cheering him on.
This was the first year I was able to pace him since I wasn't pregnant, he is a rockstar and I could barely keep up.
This was a really pretty background but the lighting sucked.
Hazel was waiting at the finish line and we noticed she had her pants on backwards, it was cute and I had to document it.
Bayli couldn't even keep up, we had to cheer for her to keep up.
Then a week later we traveled to St George for the annual marathon. Mom, Dad, Brennen and Whitli ran this year and they all went above and beyond expectations. We hung out up on the rock for a little bit while we were waiting, I was so glad Cortni came to keep me company as a spectator.
Tucker took that football everywhere and that hat
They were all a little ornery from waking up so early.
Brennen was cruising and we barely saw him as he sprinted by.
I was trying to get a picture and give him a high five- that obviously went well, but what a nice hand.
Here come Grandma and Grandpa....
They stop for a few seconds and give high fives and hugs.
You can't see it in his face but he ran his heart out and was about to kill over at this point. He finished in 3 hours and 1 minute, almost under the 3 hour mark and beat last years time by 4 minutes.
Whitli was on a mission when she passed us at the finish line, she was sprinting! I think you can see it in her face. She shaved ten minutes off her time this year with 3 hrs 10 minutes.
The old folks still did it faster than I ever could and clocked a 3:45. They never cease to amaze me.
Yes, my mom and Whitli did just ran 26 miles, I know you were wondering.
Tucker did not want to be in this picture and his smile says it all.
I always look so good for these pictures, more like death warmed over, but it is exhausting being a spectator too.
Brennen was the first male cache valley finisher and won himself 100 bucks.
Whitlie finished 4th in her division... Impressive.
The cutest spectators I have ever seen, Ring pops help keep them in there seats a little longer than usual
They were cheering along with there pom pons.
Ode to Bayli. Once again my camera skills suck.
She is the best!
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