I needed a vacation, so we took advantage of being halfway to the beach when we went to St George for the Marathon. We headed to Solana Beach (which is a cute little beach town just north of San Diego) Monday and stayed there the whole week. It is beautiful and a lot less touristy, It was for the most part AMAZING, and the best part was Foster finally figured the whole pooping in the toilet thing. Our kids really did pretty amazing on the drive, I only had to ride between them in the back for a couple hours total, and I only resorted to the sucker once.

We realized the over the marathon weekend that Foster could not do thumbs up, so we took advantage of the 6 hour drive and worked on, it didn't take long.

Our beach famflie (aka selfie with the family)!! Yes our kids are naked, it was the only way to not take half the sand from the beach with us when we left. We were able to spend lots of time on the beach, we made it there every evening and spent the whole day there on Thursday.
Our first afternoon at the beach, Foster was amazed, we didn't wear our suits because we were just going to walk, but it didn't take long for him to end up in the waves and sopping wet.
He was pretty amazed at the footprints in the sand.
For family night we headed to the most Beautiful temple there is (well at least in my opinion anyways). We were able to walk around the grounds and the cute sister missionaries snapped a couple Photo's for us, it was dark so they aren't great but at least we have something to remember it by right. When we got there Brennen was lagging behind and I was trying to explain to Foster what this place was. I was trying to keep it simple so I just said this is a sacred place and this is where Jesus visits often. He paused for about 4 seconds and then said, I know Him, and ran off. I know he truly does know him and hope he can continue to know him as he grows and the veil gets thicker.
My favorite pics from the whole vacation, Foster was helping her stand and they both had the biggest grins.
Tuesay we headed to the Famous San Diego Zoo. It is huge and our feet were sore but Foster loved seeing all the animals and riding the tram over the Zoo.
My stroller is the best for two kids, we had a load, but thank heavens for them.
Fosters favorite animal was the Tiger.
We tried to snap a pic of the two of them in the rain forest. Of course when one was smiling well the other was being dorky, but they are still the cutest kids I have ever seen.
Foster bites his lower lip when he is concentrating or trying really hard to so something. In this pic he was trying really hard to keep Collins still, he was focused and didn't want her to fall.
After a full morning at the Zoo we headed back to the hotel, took a little rest and then headed to the ocean, this time in our suits. Foster loved jumping the waves with his Dad. I am so grateful that Brennen takes the time to play with Foster. They have there own little world sometimes.
My pretty sandy lipped girl- yes she ate it more than once.
Day Two was Sea World, which I think Foster liked even better than the Zoo. It was hot but we found shade, and Foster was able to play in the new splash pad area before we left for the day.
Another failed photo shoot.
Both of the kids really enjoyed the sea lion show the most, you can see how into it they were. Mesmorized.
The Dolphin show wasn't as interesting for either of them, it was hot and there wasn't any shade.
She finally took a little nap while foster played on the splash pad before we headed back to the hotel to play at the beach.
My hair is disgusting, don't judge, it was our beach day.
Kisses for dad.
Foster was jealous and went in for the plunge.
Holy Abs right?
Boogie boarding was a success the first couple times in the water, until Brennen totally submerged him in a wave, then he was done and the rest of the day was spent pretending to surf on the sand.
Our last day we headed to the Safari Park which is where the animals are in more of there habitat and where they are bred and prepared for Zoo life. It was a hot day and we walked a lot, but I liked this better than the Zoo.
The Gorilla's were my favorite, the big bad dad was just hanging out in the back making sure everyone knew he was the boss. We didn't get a great picture of the cute newborn Gorilla but he was the highlight, so cute.
We took a little bus tour around "Africa" and saw tons of animals all over the place.
If you look close you can see the Cheetah sprinting by, they had a little demonstration to show how fast Cheetahs were. 0 to 70 mph in 4 seconds... CRAZY.
Foster used pretzels to become an elephant.
We spent the last two days in St George again and took the kids swimming. Foster loves it, Collins loves it too, but did not love the fact that I was trying to get a cute picture of her in her cute suit
We even hit up Fiesta fun, it was FUN FUN FUN.
Foster needed a haircut before we left but we never had time, so we decided to hit up the great clips in St. George, he finally sat in the chair all by himself.
We had a wonderful trip and made some great memories, the ocean is my therapy and seeing my kids enjoy wasn't so bad either.
These pics are totally out of order but I don't want to cut and paste them into the right but this was how I entertained Collins at the Shamu show, we took a ton of selfies, she was so intrigued with herself in the camera, just like her Dad.
It as such a nice trip and I actually enjoyed my morning runs because they were on the beach and I ran barefoot.
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