Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Foster is Here

We had our own little thanksgiving miracle!! After 20 hours of labor, Foster Brennen Reese was finally born at 1:14 am on November 22- which just happened to be Thanksgiving day!!  It was a long haul getting him here, I never dilated to a 10 but the doc wanted me to start pushing as I stayed at a 9 for 4 hours.  So after 2 hours of pushing, and 3 minutes of the vacuum to pull his head past my pelvis I was able to get the little guy out. They rushed him to the pediatric nurses for clean-up and had to call in a respiratory therapist because he had swallowed a bunch of meconium. It was a good 20 minutes of suctioning out his stomach before he was weighed and measured and handed to me.  The emotions that I felt that day cannot be described, I was exhausted but so overwhelmed with joy at his arrival, minus a humongous cone head he was perfect. He never did cry for the first 12 hours or so, even when they bathed him he was pretty content. But he did eventually find his voiceJ He weighed in at 7 lbs 7 oz and was 19.5 inches long. He was bigger than I thought he would be. Foster is almost two weeks old and things are going great, adjusting to life as a mom is not easy but so rewarding. He didn’t poop til he was 4 days old, which at first worried us, but now looking back it was nice not having to change poopy diapers for a couple days. We have had several peeing incidents with the diaper off and now use the pee pee teepee every time we change him. He even shot poop all the way across the room when Brennen was changing his poopy diaper for the first time. It was hilarious, mostly due to his Dad’s reaction, I couldn’t stop laughing. He pulls lots of cute faces and I wish I could stop time; he is already growing so fast. He is mostly Reese but has his moms elf ears and maybe her nose, he has long finger likes his mom, but his feet are flat just like his dads. Not sure on the hair color yet some people say they can see a little hint of red in there. Which could be a bad thing--We head to the Dr tomorrow for his two week check-up. Here are some pictures of our journey the last couple of weeks.

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